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Home » Chinloo Lama: Combining creativity with engineering

Chinloo Lama: Combining creativity with engineering

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Meeting Chinloo Lama….

Women in Engineering: How Chinloo Lama Blends Creativity with Engineering

Chinloo Lama is someone who sees the world not just as it is, but as it could be: brighter, more innovative, and filled with endless possibilities. Both she and her husband, Sal Lama, are long-standing employees of Dassault Systèmes. In her role, Chinloo plays a crucial role in the SOLIDWORKS user experience, integrating her skills in mechanical product design with her knowledge of software user experience. As an engineer and UX designer, she fuses her technical expertise with her creative talent to shape the SOLIDWORKS user experience , making it beautiful and easy to use.

The first signs of an engineer

From a young age, Chinloo displayed an insatiable curiosity. When her aunt gave her a make-up case, instead of applying her cosmetics, Chinloo took apart the lipstick to understand how its mechanism worked. This curiosity led her to repair watches and experiment with various gadgets, which she found fascinating. At the time, she did not consider engineering as a career, as she did not know what it meant to be an engineer.

In high school, Chinloo’s talent was noticed by her teacher, who encouraged her to apply to an art school. Excited, she shared the news with her family. Her aunt suggested she meet with other teachers and guidance counselors to explore more career options. This advice led Chinloo to discover mechanical engineering, a field that combined her passion for creating things with her curiosity about how they worked.


Discovering engineering

At RPI, Chinloo discovered her passion for computer-aided design ( CAD ). Although she was one of the few women in her mechanical engineering classes, she excelled. Despite the challenge of competitiveness among students, her love of creating things kept her motivated.

The power of mentoring

Chinloo began her career in product design after college because of her passion for creating. Her first job was at Polaroid, where she had the support of a mentor. This mentorship was essential, especially during a challenging project with Olympus in Japan. 

The project was successfully completed and patents were obtained. The trust of her manager and her counterpart at Olympus, who believed in her, encouraged her to rely on her engineering knowledge. This trust was key to the continued development of her career.


A futuristic vision: empowering the next generation

Chinloo has a passion for making engineering easy to understand for young people, especially girls. She works alongside the SOLIDWORKS Human Resources team to encourage young women to explore the field of engineering and design.

In addition, she actively participates in presentations and activities to ensure that children have a better understanding of these topics from an early age.

Chinloo’s commitment to education and mentorship is shaping a future where engineering is accessible and exciting for everyone. With every project and every student he inspires, he continues to break new ground and prove that engineering isn’t just about building things, it’s about creating a better world.

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